Interpretation Consultant



Yes, there is such a thing. Say that you’re organizing a conference at which you’ll need interpretation. But what kind of interpretation? How many interpreters? How, what, why, etc. Where do you even start? Why, with an interpretation consultant, bien sûr!

Somehow, I fell into this role. More than 20 years ago. And like most interpreters who also consult/organize, I consider my colleagues to be my real clients. It's my job to create conditions under which we can all operate as a team, assisting the end-client in reaching their goals. Over the years I have built, entirely through word of mouth, a select clientele whom I match with teams of professional interpreters and technicians committed to providing, to use current business terminology, a ‘good conference experience’.




"I first met Ine-Marie van Dam more than twenty years ago, when we worked together for an FAO conference in Hawaii. Since then we have frequently worked together, including occasions when she would 'hire' me for one of her teams for her own clients."  

"Having worked many years myself as a conference organizer for a large international organization, I have consistently appreciated Ine's talents in this field. She always hires the best interpreters, is super diplomatic on all fronts, negotiates excellent conditions, which then allows the team to do outstanding work which, in turn, makes for a happy client." 

Rosi Meza-Steel, Esq
Former Chief Interpreter, World Bank